Monday, September 26, 2011

One of Those Lives.

I'll be honest. Today was a bad day.
I knew one was bound to come along, but I didn't think it'd be this soon. Bad days are usually few and far between for me.
The problems started this morning at breakfast: there wasn't any oatmeal. Oatmeal is the best. Enough said. From there, I went to my math class, where I was informed by a number of returned assignments that I was failing the class. Literally failing. Yale is actually hard? What?
Luckily, I only have one class on Mondays so I didn't have to endure any further grade-related disappointments (but there's always tomorrow...). Later in the afternoon, I went for a run. I hadn't made it two miles before my shins starting hurting--badly. They've been bothering me for the past couple of weeks, but it's a lot easier to ignore certain problems than fix them. Today, it got to the point where it was hardly bearable. After consulting with the trainer and a few other experts (my healthy, lean and sedentary suitemate) I believe I have shin splints. Kill me. I also came back to my suite to find my suitemate in tears, wallowing in homesickness. I may or may not have cried again.
On the upside, I did get a taste for the many resources Yale has to offer today. I went to my math teacher's office hours and he recommended a one-on-one tutoring problem (free of charge-#winning) with an upperclassman. Additionally, he referred me to this wonderfully lovely British lady who spent two hours with me tonight going over the lesson we learned in class today. I also went to schedule an appointment with Dean Fabbri (Italian motorcyclist extraordinaire) to discuss my progress sometime next week. While this more than adequately addressed my math problem, the others were not so easy to fix.
As for the shin splints, WebMD and Wikipedia (reliable, I know) recommend refraining from strenuous activity/exercise for at least three weeks. Yeah, right. Did that with mono--worst thing ever--never going back. As for my suitemate, I wasn't really in a position to help her since she had my waterworks going, too. It's hard to be rational in a situation that directly attacks your pathos.
It surprised me how emotional I got so quickly. I guess I've had a lot of stuff building up. I've been stressed about my performance in class (who wants to start out with a 2.5?), friendships back home, missing my dog (and my family, too), etc. But, even as I sit here, wallowing a little bit, I realize how much I have to be thankful for. JESUS LOVES ME, as Brooks so kindly just reminded me via tweet (thanks, Jason). He loves me when I'm hurt, homesick, weak, heartbroken, lost, confused, distracted, or desperate. He loves me, and His love is all I need.

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