Sunday, September 4, 2011

....Don't you dare close your eyes.

Well, here I am catch my breath. Taking a break from a run at the moment. For those of you who have never had the chance to visit Yale's campus you should 1) do it, and 2) know that it is primarily flat, making it the ideal place for a nice afternoon run. There is one exception: Science Hill. At first, I thought it was a quaint nickname to make science classrooms seem more appealing or, at the very least, familial. However, it is not a nickname; it's a hill and a rather steep one at that, stretching a little more than a half mile. After doing my "flat course" I offered myself a challenge: run all the way up. This isn't a Hitchcock wanna-blog so I'll spare you the suspense: I made it.
The truly breath-taking moment (no pun intended) was seeing the view. About a block after reaching the top, I took a turn off toward the observatory. Before me lay a huge grassy knoll and, at the top, hanging beneath a huge, lone oak was a wooden swing. 
Now, I sit pleasantly swinging myself out over the hill and typing this post, wondering how many students (other than astronomy majors) have taken the time to seek out this beautiful spot, separated from the hustle and bustle of campus. 
To be perfectly honest, I was a little homesick earlier today, but right now, I'm happier than I've been almost all week. I think God knew I needed this place and I assure you even now that I'll be here several times a week. The ice might make the trek impossible by way of sprinting up the hill, but a nice quiet walk might be just as nice (and definitely a little less daunting). I would say that it's a #yaleproblem that not a lot of people know of or appreciate this place, but then again, it would be an even bigger problem if they did.

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