Saturday, August 31, 2013

an initiative to change the way we use the internet

I am different than most of my peers at Yale. I did not matriculate with the perfect vocational goal or academic aspiration. I did not have plans to found a non-profit or change the world through a capella. In fact, I came in with a single goal that seemed achievable to the point of guarantee: to learn.

While I have fulfilled this goal, it has not been as easy as I planned or hoped, though I maybe one of a few who would claim so. Many of my classmates push through course after course, semester after semester. They achieve resume-worthy grades, but have not, I would argue, learned. I have found that the way in which students use the internet hinders them from truly learning. They are able to write history reports with ease and can translate any language assignment in seconds, but in their ability to save time, they lose the ability to grow intellectually. This is not to say that education and the internet are incompatible, but I believe there is a way that the need for immediate information and a desire for authentic intellectual grown can be reconciled. Indeed, it is my goal to model this balance for my classmates for the rest of my time at Yale and in my vocation, wherever it may be.

As an Architecture major, I have been forced to use the internet in a healthy way. I use it to gather research: designs and drawings of predecessors more learned than I. However, the majority of the work that I submit is hand-drawn or hand-crafted. I cannot paraphrase or copy what I find online. To use an element that I admire, I must understand its context and then be able to unite it with a product of my own creation. This approach has shown me the beauty of the creative process, which I have since applied to all other subjects.

While I do not have an ideal job market into which I desire to enter post-graduation, I do have goals that I will seek to promote in my work place. The first is satisfaction. No matter the position I am given, I hope to convey a sense of respect for the work that I am doing, even and especially if it does not utilize every skill that I possess. I believe that all work is valuable, and most of it necessary, but too often, I see friends and colleagues forget that their job is significant. They describe tasks that "a monkey could do" but only do so because they do not truly respect it. My second goal is similar – to encourage an environment of integrity. In the work force as much as in the academic world, it is crucial to think creatively and use the internet (and all it offers) responsibly. The generations before us created ideas of their own because it was more fulfilling, and perhaps easier, than riding on the work of others. Research was laborious and innovation was widely practiced. Today, instead of allowing the internet to supplement these tools, we have allowed it to replace them. We have become comfortable navigating within its territories, and we use it as our first resource when we seek an answer. In my vocation, I will encourage my colleagues to seek the council of others. In my short time at Yale, I have learned more from my fellow students than from any textbook or website. Furthermore, I remember the information and testimonies they give more vividly. While surfing the web can plant an idea, it cannot act as a partner in a brainstorm. It mimics our thoughts and desires rather than challenging them. Until we can learn to make relationships the center of our academic and occupational environments, it will continue to stunt, rather than enhance, our growth.

Monday, April 15, 2013

a few thoughts on divorce and communication

Hey y'all! It's been a while since I posted, hasn't it?
I've been trying to find funding for my (unpaid) summer internship at the Victoria and Albert in London and I came across this wonderful opportunity. If you have a few minutes (and/or still check on my blog)  feel free to leave comments -- I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Lots of love, Mags

Essay submitted for the Charles R. Ullman & Associates Scholarship, 2013.

It’s Not What You Say, It’s How You Say It: Miscommunication as a Product of the Heart

While many experts believe that open communication provides a foundation for a strong marriage, I would argue that its role is even more imperative. It is not only the foundation upon which a marriage must be built, but it is also the infrastructure that holds it together. Communication acts as both an asset when present and a liability when absent. However, communication cannot be valued as an end in itself; a more tangible goal ought to be regarded as the end to which a matrimonial relationship strives. Indeed, the purpose of marriage ought to be to grow in one’s ability to consider their spouse’s needs as more significant than their own, and to seek their spouse’s wellbeing even at the expense of their own. Communication is, of course, the tool by which the needs of another human being can be ascertained and, consequently, be valued and protected.

Even if communication is the reason for which couples are getting divorced, they are attributing it to the various manifestations of miscommunication rather than miscommunication itself. In the recent Huffington Post article “Divorce Causes: 5 Marriage Mistakes That Lead To Divorce,” one cause listed is a change in priorities or values (Olver). It seems more likely, however, that the values have not changed but hitherto have not been adequately expressed. For an individual seeking matrimony, the attainment of romantic love is a high-ranking value,  overshadowing other values temporarily. Moreover, the lengths to which such an individual is willing to bend to attain love further obscures his or her actual values. In the past decade, social media has enabled this almost indefinitely. Individuals are encouraged to self-select the persona they wish to put forth, oftentimes the most universally appealing version of themselves. The pictures posted are filtered – subjects do not have food in their teeth or tangles in their hair; they are posed (composed) in front of some idyllic background. Their biographies speak of under-the-radar coffeehouses, travelling, timeless literature, and good jazz. There is no mention of snoring, terrible driving, or lazing around on Saturdays. In an effort to present themselves as someone who can appeal to almost anyone, they communicate an inauthentic version of themselves that is perhaps not revealed until the third date, engagement, or the sixth year of marriage. Therefore, for some couples, a breakdown in communication is actually a realization that previous communication was not entirely genuine.

This theory covers those who have dated, been engaged or married within the era of social media. Those who were married fifteen or forty years ago did not have such dangerous opportunities to misrepresent themselves. If there is any miscommunication in these longer-standing relationships, it points to an underlying issue of unexpressed respect. It is unproductive to cure the symptom of miscommunication without addressing the disease of respect. In marriage, it is not enough to guard against disrespect; each party must intentionally reassure and be reassured of respect. One mode of engendering respect is for one to listen more than try to express his or her own sentiments. Such an attitude reflects that the listener considers their spouse’s interests as more important than their own. This actively-expressed respect is the criteria for successful communication.

According to a study conducted by National Survey of Families and Households (Rampell), there is a direct correlation between disagreements (particularly financial) and divorce. If, however, each spouse attempts to show selflessness in their communication, each will have the opportunity to be reasonable with the other. The heat of the moment is diffused by mutual respect and submissiveness. If respect and servitude are continually cultivated in a relationship, a breakdown in communication becomes less likely and less damaging. From opposing views on parenting to determining an appropriate budget, the knowledge that each spouse wants to understand and honor the other’s opinion is a powerful and an essential part of marriage.

If respect is attentively pursued in a marriage, then preventing failure in communication becomes more of a convenience rather than a requirement. The easiest way to prevent such failures is to ensure that the preponderance of communication is face to face rather than through cyber space. According to the beloved matchmaker, Hitch (Tennant), “Sixty percent of all human communication is nonverbal. Body language. Thirty percent is your tone. So that means that ninety percent of what you’re saying ain’t coming out of your mouth.” Even if this data is disputable, it does attest to the role that attitude plays as part of communication, and indirectly shows the harms of “efficient” communication, namely texting and email. No matter how many lighthearted abbreviations a message might contain, text-based conversations can easily be misinterpreted. Though more commonly criticized for the havoc it wreaks in the lives of gossipy teenagers, married couples are not exempt from damaging miscommunication through poorly phrased and emotionally deprived messages.

Divorce, arguably, cannot be attributed to failure in communication; instead, it occurs when participants in marriage fail to strive for effective communication and other manifestations of respect. If a husband or wife is not willing to invest twenty minutes to meet their spouse in person, five to give them a phone call, or ten seconds to ensure that a text message cannot be misinterpreted for the worse then the marriage has little hope of salvation. Other leading factors in divorce, like sexual infidelity, addictions, and changes in priorities (Rampell), stem from, or are tangentially related to, communication or lack thereof. Talking about such complications may be awkward, but couples choose to be united in matrimony for a reason – marriage joins together two individuals, whose union should make them stronger as one united entity rather than two, separate. If a couple accepts this understanding of marriage, the effort it requires to cultivate an atmosphere of respect will be as minimal as the miscommunications that are inevitable in every relationship.

Works Cited

Olver, K. (2013, March 7). Divorce causes: 5 marriage mistakes that lead to divorce. Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post. Retrieved April 10, 2013, from

Rampell, C. (2009, December 7). Money fights predict divorce rates - The Economy and the Economics of Everyday Life - Economix Blog - Retrieved April 13, 2013, from

Tennant, A. (Director). (2005). Hitch [Motion picture]. United States: Columbia Pictures.

Essay submitted for the Charles R. Ullman & Associates Scholarship Competition, 2013,

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Ramona Without Rage

So, I'm sitting in a jam-packed hotel room, supposedly working on one of my final papers. Yeah, right. This weekend is my first away frisbee tourney--Fall Brawl at Princeton. Today was one of the most gorgeous days: Sunny and 55. I'm living here forever.
Because of my mono relapse, I have to be really careful about how much I exert myself. So, I spent almost every other point subbing out. I was a little bitter at first, but then I realized how lucky I was to be spending a beautiful day outside, off campus, and with some of the coolest girls I've ever met.
As I was telling my mom about the afternoon (yes, of course I text my mom 24/7), I remember thinking to myself that I would not have survived this semester at Yale without my suitemates and Ramona. They're the best. Period.
It's really interesting being on a Yale athletic team, for a variety of reasons:
1) I'm not athletic.
2) Everyone else is surprisingly athletic.
3) I can no longer use the excuse "I'm more of a school person" to explain my inathleticity; everyone here is a "school person".
But that's okay. They still accept me. I think.
One of the most striking realizations I had today was during the last game. The score was tied 8-8, the soft cap had sounded, and the coach of our opponents was getting a little antsy. And by antsy I mean completely inappropriate. He spent the entirety of the game, no matter the score, abusing his players. Not surprisingly, he became more and more violent as the game progressed. Worse than constantly demoralizing his players, he failed to create a sense of unity among them. While I understand that coaches should be firm in their instruction and criticize in order to improve, there also needs to be a foundational level of support and trust; judging by the dynamic I observed between the players and this coach, that level was non-existent.
I was furious. The more time I spent on the sideline, the more upset I became. I not only felt for his players, but I felt for him, too. I can't imagine going through life with that bitter outlook. I seriously considered going up to him after the game to ask him what in his life was causing him so much anguish. Had we not won, I probably would have; considering their marginal loss, he probably would have blown up in my face.
So, to Claire, Luci, and all of my other teammates who have given me constructive criticism, I thank you for the love with which you do it. You da best.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

CL in the City

Back by popular demand....
Not really, but my trip to NYC with Maria was too phototastic to pass up.


Okay, so the tags weren't working...
(1) Grand Central Station
(2) Yum
(3) Maria won a Keurig at a rando street fair. It was a day full of luck.
(4) 30 Rock, y'all.
(5) Painting class in The Park.
(6) Obligatory self-timer shot.
(7) The Boathouse--27 Dresses, anyone?
(8) We had some trouble at first. Two ex-rowers in a rowboat wasn't as easy as we thought.
(9) The fall foliage was gorgeous.
(10) Reunion with Diva Leif and 2/5 of my favorite family.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

55 Days 'til Christmas...Not That I'm Counting...

Okay, so the photoblog wasn't the best idea. Mostly because I'm too lazy to take pictures. But today is a special day. 
IT'S THE START OF THE CHRISTMAS SEASON. Or it is in my book, at least. I honestly can't wait for Christmas. FINALLY coming home December 14th--hide yo kids & mark your calendars. I'm beyond excited to see you all; you're all I dream about, in the least creepy way possible. 
But before I get to come home, I have to make it through November. So far, I haven't heard anyone utter the phrase "No Shave" so that's definite step up from last year. In preparation for Thanksgiving, I'm doing another Daniel Fast. I did my first one over during Lent last spring, but I didn't make it through the whole thing uninterrupted. This time, I'm determined. I am in need of perspective. 
I've been going through a season of spiritual dryness. When I intimated this to my Chris (see earlier blogpost for deets), shared with me some encouraging words. In case any of you are going through a similar ordeal, I thought I'd share them with you:  "Sometimes God can withdraw the "fire" or strong feeling we have for Him to try us and teach us, so that we don't love the feelings we get from HIm more than God Himself." This idea comes from Dark Night of the Soul by St. John of the Cross. I just started the book today, but I  can tell already it'll be a great read--if you haven't read it, I highly recommend it. 
I don't believe Chris intended for this passage to be convicting, but it was. I don't think we are meant to feel bad for asking God to return to us a passion for Him, but we must allow Him to do it in His own time. It's not fair for us to immediately want to be filled as soon as we are emptied, but instead we should try to gain understanding as we migrate from spiritual richness to the sensation of depravity. 
So, I'm trying to use this short, three week period to gain such an understanding and, at the same time, prepare myself for a season of Thanksgiving, rather than just a single day. 
Because, as everyone knows, Thanksgiving really means CHRISTMAS. And Christmas is the best. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

You Treat Life Like A Picture

...but it's not just a moment that's frozen in time. Thank you, Rascal Flatts for my life motto. I thought I'd try something new this month: Photoblog. I'm trying to force myself to start taking more pictures, so bear with me a little bit. Thought I'd start off with a collection of some of my favorite pics from my time here at Yale thus far. Enjoy...or at least pretend.

Cross Campus

               Pierson, Pierson College                                                                                                        Harkness Tower

The Place & Apple Picking

YSC Retreat