Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Embarrassing Moment #1

I'm sure that this isn't my first embarrassing moment, just the first one actually worth mentioning. Today was a day like any other-55 and raining...All. Day. Long......
This morning, I got to sleep in, thanks to my 10:30 calc class, had a nice lunch, went to my physics lab. Same old, same old. The most exciting thing that happened all day was one of my suitemates opening the emergency exit, causing the alarm to go off for a good forty-five minutes before Yale Security came to turn it off. They said they waited so long to "teach us a lesson." Needless to say, I left for dinner with a throbbing headache.
Dinner was lovely as ever, just a bit overcrowded seeing as no one was willing to eat out due to the weather. After dinner, I headed to Bible study. It was to be held at another residential college, Silliman, in a YSC (Yale Students for Christ) senior's suite. I was greeted at the entrance by a charming young man who ever so warmly welcomed me and imparted to me clear instructions as to how to find the suite. Fourth floor, suite M42. Simple enough.
After climbing four flights of stairs (the horror) I reached a door propped open wide. Stepping through, I encountered a spacious common room, well light and well furnished. Giant plush couches and armchairs formed a circle and, in the middle, a coffee table had been christened with an unopened jar of Nutella. I knew at once that this was the Bible study for me. No one around, I sat down on the sofa and began to make myself at home. I took out my Bible and my pencil bag, stretched my feet out onto the coffee table, and began to take in my surroundings.
After sitting there for a good two or three minutes, I heard some other girls approaching the landing. One of them said something about "M42" and, as I watched through the still cracked door, proceeded to head through the door directly on the other side of the staircase.
Just as I was on the verge of yelling out to them that they had gone the wrong way, I realized that perhaps the two dozen or so empty cans of Keystone Light were not just a way of creating an extremely open environment. I realized that it was perhaps a bit odd that no one had been stationed in the common room to greet me. Most importantly, I realized that I was in some one else's suite.
No sooner had this thought crossed my mind that a group of young and, by the looks of them, fun-loving guys came through the door and looked at one another in confusion. Not that they were perhaps objected to a little, curly-headed freshman with her Bible open and pen at the ready making herself at home in their suite, but it definitely wasn't what they expected to find upon arriving home. I hastily grabbed my things (at this point they were strewn across the floor and couch), cringed in terror, did some awkward fidgets, spit out some words that are known only to those who don't speak any existing language, and proceeded to bolt from the room.
After flinging myself into the true M42, I was greeted by a warm circle of YSC students but, to my slight disappointment, no new jar of Nutella.

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