Thursday, August 25, 2011

Stuck in Houston

The truth is, I've missed blogging. A lot. When I was thinking of potential topics, I figured that "Oklahoman headed for average-of-thirteen-feet-of-snow-a-year Connecticut" would be as good as anything else. But it's more than just the weather.
For those of you who know me personally, you know why I'm making this Exodus to the East: Yale. For those of you who don't know me, you might now infer that I'm either a brainiac or a musical prodigy. That is the general make-up of the Ivies, is it not?
Thus, I introduce you to the title of this series: #yaleproblems.
This hashtag started as a joke among a couple of my friends and, I have to say, it fits my life quite well. Nota bene: these problems are not those which you might expect: my dorm room isn't big enough, I'm smarter than my professors, etc. No, the real #yaleproblems are the things that come out of my mouth that make people ask the question (to themselves or aloud) "How did you get into Yale?" My answer is, each and every time, I don't know.
That being said, some clarification might be helpful. I did well in school. I was by no means a genius, but I worked everything but chemistry...kind of... Anyways, I appeared to be a good student--mostly on paper which is really all you need to get into a good school. It's dumb and completely impractical, but it's true. Had the admissions officers had the opportunity to hear 87% of the conversations that I have with my friends (or teachers or siblings or Target cashiers, etc.) I can guarantee you that I wouldn't be headed to New Haven.
From this stems the #yaleproblem that concerns me the most: as I sit at this moment in an airport awaiting a plane to take me there, I can't help but wonder what the french toast I have gotten myself into. Maybe it's fate, luck, or even karma-I don't know. But maybe it's a God thing. Maybe I'm going just to make others feel better about their own intelligence or simply to put a smile on someone's face when I say something weird-heaven knows that's bound to happen.
That's the purpose of this blog; to let you all in on my experiences that will undoubtedly cause people to ask, "How did she get here?"
Get ready, Yale. You have a slew of #maggieproblems headed your way.

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